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Remember that time we were jumping in the grass?

That dad just raked up and he was mad

But I didn’t care I just ran away and laughed


Remember that time when the storm blew up quick

And you stood under a ledge

And watched the rain till it stopped?

When it stopped you walked out again to the sidewalk.

Remember how the pavement smelled – all steamy warm and wet?

That was summer.


Remember that time

When we had some ice cream

And it melted all over my clothes

And mum got super mad and I ran away

And felt sticky and I laughed

That was summer.


Remember that time

When we ran around like rats

And we cannon balled like a raged dog

On a trampoline

 And water was spilled all over the place

And water fell on my head like a shower

And I was blinded

And I couldn’t see so I fell back in the pool head first

And water came rushing up my nose

Like a fish that came out of the water

That was summer.