Prank handshake
3 weeks ago I made a prank handshake. I used the battery, a button, wires, a buzzer and rubber bands. I connected the battery to the button. Then I connected the wire, connected to the buzzer and put it up
3 weeks ago I made a prank handshake. I used the battery, a button, wires, a buzzer and rubber bands. I connected the battery to the button. Then I connected the wire, connected to the buzzer and put it up
On the 17th of November I made a tickle machine using LittleBits. We used a battery, wires, a button, a buzzer, a motormate and a feather. I attached the battery to the button, then to the wire, then the buzzer
3 weeks ago Room 2 had to blow up a Balloon and put a skewer through the balloon and in a way that it can't pop. Some of the balloons popped and some didn't. You put the skewer through where
Stalking in the bush Waiting for it's prey to eat Then falling asleep
This is my tessellation that I made myself.
This is my tessellation using a rectangular shape.
I was in the ocean for 13 days. It is so squashed with all of the other waterdrops. Five days later a shark came! I tried to swim away but luckily I was being pushed down. I looked down and
Click on the image to see an enlarged view.
In Room 2 we've been learning about the characteristics of living things.
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