Oliver’s Diamond Poem
This is my diamond shaped poem - Oliver
This is my diamond shaped poem - Oliver
This is my running diamond poem. Oliver
The prank handshake is powered by a battery sending electricity through a circuit. I used rubber bands and strapped the circuit to my arm with a buzzer on my hand and when I shook someone's hand it made a buzzing
The tickle machine is powered from a battery power source. The battery powers a circuit. There is a motor in the circuit with a feather cellotaped to it. The motor turns when it is turned on and so the feather
The torch is powered by a battery sending electricity through a circuit to create a working torch. I used a paper towel roll and a plastic drinking cup with a bright led light.
The balloon experiment was where we poked a kebab stick through one side of the balloon and out the other. I was nervous while I was poking the stick through the balloon but once I had got it through one
This is my tessellated pattern.
This is my second tessellation.
This is my photosynthesis diagram explaining the process of photosynthesis.
On the twelfth of September Room Two went to Te Tuhi for a school trip. It took about half an hour bus drive. I sat on the bus with Luke, Conner and my mum. We had lots of fun laughing
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