At the Science Roadshow we all sat on the ground. Sophie and Andrew introduced themselves, then Sophie got three glasses and poured water into them. She put a chux wipe in the first glass, a sponge in the second glass and the third glass had a type of powder. Sophie asked us which one we thought would soak up the most water. The powder soaked up all the water and made it stiff.

Then we all stood up and went to look at the many science tables. The first table that we went to was a table where we had to match six rocks to its description. We got three right. Then we went to a table that had five completely different shapes with lots of holes and we had to find the middle hole and see if it balanced.

Next we went to a fan from an airplane and had to put safety glasses on first because it was dusty. Then we stood in front of it. We lined up to throw a ball at a target as hard as we could. I got 38. Then we sat down again.

I learnt that children can hear from 10 to 20,000 hertz and adults can hear from 10 to 15,000 hertz. Dolphins can hear noises that we can’t. In space there is no sound because there is no air and sound can only travel through air.