
歡迎最近新加入我們的學生與他們的家庭:Emily Brealey, Luana Aversa & Jason Qiu。

今年我們的目標之一是提高學校整體的寫作成績。老師和工作人員不斷開會,並與Dr Alison Davis 尊業研究,嘗試以創新的方式來吸引並激勵學生們的寫作。有許多學生來我的辦公室與我分享他們的寫作。很讓我覺得高興的是,學生們會告訴我他們正在學習什麼寫作技巧,並把他們所學的知識以寫作方式展示予我(這包括一些很自信的五歲孩子)。這也在員工休息室反映出來,老師會拿著學生們的作業本,很興奮的分享他們在課堂上的學習成果。在以下的簡報中,我們挑選了一些學生們的寫作與你們分享!

恭賀Miss Davidson完成兩年的學校教學,並以正式教師資格畢業。Amber實至名歸,她是一名優秀的老師並懂得如何與她的學生相處。

Board of Trustees News – 董事會消息


Rainbows End Trip for 2017 Road Patrollers – 2017年交通指揮組的Rainbows End 之旅

在十一月二十三日星期四,二十二名六年級的學生在Rainbows End 渡過了美好的時光。這個旅程是PTA 家長老師會贊助並感謝這一年度的交通指揮組。家長與學生過了美好的一天。感謝交通指揮組在BBPS 的週邊為大家保持道路安全。

PTA News – 家長老師會消息

家長老師會感謝大家一直以來的支持與貢獻,我們很期待在2018年與更多的家長們共事。請大家留意BBPS會參加這星期天的Santa Howick Parade (Howick 聖誕遊行)。我們今年會有四十名孩子參與BBPS的遊行。感謝全部幫忙準備和縫製遊行服裝的家長。遊行服裝看起來非常的棒!

Enviro News – 環保消息

學生們忙碌著從學校的大水箱裡回收雨水。 每天的午餐時間,孩子們都可以去幫忙和照顧我們的果樹和菜園。感謝一些家庭捐贈乾淨的牛奶容器,學生們現在非常的熟悉製作蚯蚓茶,並很樂意地照顧蚯蚓。

Martina 拯救小鳥!一位善良並有愛心的BBP學生。

這星期Room 17的Martina 與我們發現了一隻嬰兒般的小鳥正在掙扎要逃離我們花園的圍牆。我們都停止手上正忙著的事情並想要幫助那小鳥,但Martina顯示她的機智,輕輕的引導後翼穿過間隙。小鳥終將脫險飛走,有點不知所措但最後還是快樂的去找它的同伴。

感謝Mr Rist 和學生們一直以來在早上為我們的澆灌果樹。無花果樹和桃子樹的果實看起來非常棒。

興奮的消息,菜園烹飪活動組已經完成了由學生創作的食譜書的副本草稿。我們希望訂制100本,並以$8的價格出售給有興趣嘗試健康食譜的家庭,例如Fejoa 冰棒或柿子和山核桃松餅。所有食譜都巳經過BBP的學生的嘗試與驗證!

Ms Ahern 和 Mrs Riach 對馬鈴薯輪胎感到非常高興,但我們的蜜蜂屋還沒看到仼何動靜。我們請求全體家庭,如果在學校假日時有來探訪學校時,請花5分鐘時間澆灌任何學校的植物或拔野草。Mr Rist 和學生們將會對我們這個充滿愛心並能持續的社區感激不盡。在使用游泳池的同時,如果家長們能夠澆灌游泳池周邊的植物,將不勝感激。

有沒有一位善心的家長或朋友,能夠在十二月二十七日至一月十日之間,能夠澆灌在Room 3外面的花園和果園旁的太陽花。Room 3 有一個比賽,看看誰的太陽花長得最高。學校會提供澆水壼和水龍頭。有興趣的家長請找Mrs Chilvers。

Sports News (體育消息)

School Athletics (學校運動會

陸運會當日, 所有學生都非常 開心和熱烈地參與了學校的運動會。

Interschool Athletics (聯校運動會)

我們一班 8歲, 9歲, 10歲 和11歲組成的同學參加了在 Lloyd Elsmore的聯校運動會。同學們都全力以赴代表學校去參加各項陸上運動。同學們表現出色, 我們將會在下一次的家長集會(12月8號星期五) 頒發獎狀給予表現出色的同學。

Basketball (籃球活動)

我們餘下兩場比賽, 各隊伍都非常享受參與各場比賽。感謝 家長們 對球隊和球員所作出的支持。特別鳴謝Marcus Hill 和 Diana Spencer 。

Summer Hockey (夏天曲棍球)

BBPS藍隊 對 Elim 學校的比賽中, 我們 以2比0勝出。非常感謝Mrs Williams 對球隊所作出的支持。

BBPS 紅隊 由5年級和6年級組成, 他們努力的練習開始見到一些成績, 在每場比賽中表現出色和技巧純熟。 他們 和不少強隊對賽。非常感謝所有家長們的支持。

Circus Cirus – Middle School Production (中年級表演 – 馬戲團 馬戲團)

在過去的一周, 中年級同學們在學校上演了 “馬戲團 馬戲團” 。當中有舞蹈, 歌唱, 小丑和鼓手表演。各人穿著色彩繽紛的表演服。那些表演唱歌的同學, 他們的歌像天使一般動聽, 那些 舞蹈員 的表演非常有節奏感。那些鼓手穿著繽紛的表演服, 雄厚的鼓聲貫穿了整個禮堂。

我們衷心希望各家長們和家庭都非常享受 這一場精彩的表演。以下是一些關於 “馬戲團 馬戲團” 的圖片:

** 圖片請參閱英文版校長通訊

Swimming Pool (學校泳池

學校泳池鎖匙已經可以給大家租用。 租用費為80元正 (其中10元為押金 可在季尾退款)。

Writing around the school (在學校裏的寫作學習)

中年級最近 的表演活動已完滿結束, 活動後學生們寫作有關表演活動的感想。

請一起欣賞以下 一些小朋友的寫作練習:

… The frevo dancers want to be the clowns clowning around

The clowns want to be the drummers going bang bang bang

The drummers want to be the ringmaster leading the show

The ringmaster wants to be the animals howling and screeching

The animals want to be the sid shufflers shuffling like granny

The sid shufflers want to be the frevo dancers…

By Olly Room 13

The Ringmaster wants to be the clowns,

telling hilarious jokes.                                              

The clowns want to be the animal dancers,

dancing like a butterfly.

The animal dancers want to be the gymnasts,

balancing on one hand.

The gymnasts want to be the frevo dancers,

twirling their umbrellas.

The frevo dancers want to be the djembe drummers,

beating their hearts out.

The djembe drummers want to be the Ringmaster,

taking charge of the Circus.

Thisuri Room 13

Fireworks Poems from Room 16

** 圖片請參閱英文版校長通訊


Hedgehogs are clever and they have good ‘whiffs’. They could even smell a wiggly worm slithering on the ground. Baby hedgehogs are called hoglets. Hedgehogs have 7000 spikes. There is also another name for spikes-spines.

They can dig underground in deep holes. Hedgehogs are kind of mole hogs. They can also hold tight onto trees. They could really give birth to 5-7 hoglets. Some hoglets are pretty cute. They are also small and little.

By Caelum, Room 12 Aged 5

Room 8 的學生最近創作了一些有趣的小故事,故事內容是關於課室裡的文具在九月的學校假期中發生的有趣事情,小故事寄給了Joy Cowley Clean Slate Press (註:著名兒童故事作家的出版社)。出版社為同學們的故事印製了精美的圖書並在週五的集會上送給課室8的小作家們。


Mr Scissors always wanted to be naughty, Mr scissors shouted “lets make a mess” 

“yeah” shouted the scissors kids. Then Mrs Scissors said” stop everyone, I think it’s messy enough”.

After that they all wanted to watch TV but they didn’t find the TV.

Irma Room 8 

The school equipment came alive. Then they wanted to have a party. The pencil and the glue stick and the crayons danced. They had fun.

Shefali Room 8

The pencil and the paintbrushes got up and the pencil scribbled as fast as a cheeter, and the scissors cut a halloween shape. The paintbrush drew on the mat.

Gariad Room 8

“OK” said the scissors and the pencil, but they were hungry. So they went to look outside, they saw a lunchbox. So they looked in the lunchbox, there were two burgers! They went inside and turned the party on again and ate it all up.

Oliver Room 8

“Lets get up to mischief”

“yea, lets cut the core of  earth, crunch!!!!!

“why did you do that?

“Because ruler said”

“OK then glue it together’

“you glued it upside down”

By Li-en Room 8

Room 12 Writers using the whiteboard (Room 12 用白板寫作)

** 圖片請參閱英文版校長通訊

Year 6 Writing (六年級的寫作作品)

Moment in Time

Burma Trail

Darkness takes over with the only light I see is the faintest yellow spot to my left, the moon. The luminous light ahead, was Harry, carefully gripping a bright torch. The deafening screams gave me goosebumps from my toes to the tips of my fingers. I can’t feel the difference between the rustling of the trees and the wind to my ears.

Vinegar pours on me like a rainstorm. After getting drenched the vinegar gradually dripped down to my mouth tasting like a sour lime and American cherries. My sweaty palms grip the rope, I felt as brave as a lion at the start although little by little I was getting terrified. I had so much vinegar on me that I smelled like a mixture of warhead candy and sour cream. 

Anna Room 19 Year 6

100 word writing

Deep in the wood lurked behind the mill, she carefully trod deeper into the woods as she probed around searching for the golden mushroom. Wallop! A tentacle- like annex came crashing down and slammed her in the face, and left a scar under her left eye. As she slowly but calmly put her hand to her face, she glanced down to see an accumulation of brown, swarming around her feet. She floundered. She faltered. A helpless cry came zooming out of her throat as she thundered into the moss. It was at that moment she felt she was being carted backwards….

Alex Room 19 Year 6

The Time Travel Trap

“Toooommm, wake up you lazybones!” the angry, inhuman voice of Angelina blasted its way up the stairs and into Tom’s vulnerable ears. Tom woke up with a start. His aching head caused by staying up too late last night, threatened to overwhelm him. Sunlight streamed through his bedroom window as Tom gave the 73rd unhappy sigh of the week. “ Another day means another tiresome, mind-numbing six hours at school”, he mumbled to himself. As you can see, Tom was like your typical 12 year old boy, he adored playing video games, but most of all, he was quite fond of sleeping and demolishing truckloads of food! However, he had one life-changing secret that he guarded proudly. So far he had done a magnificent job of keeping it safe, as no one with the exception of his parents knew about it. If this private confidential information was to be leaked into the world, he would be taunted and jeered and his life would officially end. Tom loved science and technology so much, that he was currently modelling and building a time portal in his cupboard, in his cupboard, that he hopes one day will whisk him through years and years of human civilisation.

While Tom was walking back home after school, from school, without a worry in the world, he heard the distinctive sound of fast footsteps. Tom slowly wheeled around and became face to face with the ugly smile of Jeff Harrison, the school bully. All of a sudden, Jeff sprang forwards at the speed of light and started chasing Tom down the driveway of Tom’s humble house. In horror, he rocketed at full speed into his house and slammed the door. He bolted up the stairs and immediately sprang into his cupboard. Whew, he thought, I’m safe for now! Abruptly, the area surrounding Tom, began to shift into a different shape, and Tom vanished in the blink of an eye and passed out.

When Tom came round, he found himself in the care of somebody with a shaggy beard, ultra tan skin and an exposed muscular chest. Tom sat up and rubbed his eyes. I must have passed out , he thought to himself. Gorilla-like people were bustling about, unfazed by the mysterious creature that was in the doctor’s hut fulfilling their daily chores. Diminutive closed off areas that looked a bit like houses, lined the inside of a wall that ran along the perimeter of the village. A lightbulb clicked just then in Tom’s head. I must be in the Stone Age! Tom guessed. As he walked around the brightly coloured village, he mucked around with some of the younger warriors, and did his best to help with the chores around the village. As he was doing so, a sudden commotion startled everyone. Heads slowly turned to see a single warrior holding a spear and something else in his other hand. As the warrior turned to address the chief of the tribe, Tom saw a flash of something shining in the sunlight. His immediate thought was Gold! Sure enough, the object the warrior was holding, was none other than a enormous lump of gold, the size of Tom’s fist!!  The warrior jogged cautiously to his hut, holding the lump of gold.  “Man”, thought Tom, if I got my hands on that gigantic piece of gold, I would be as rich as John Cena!

Tom noticed the people didn’t know anything about clothes, as they only had a piece of cloth covering their behind. He decided to teach the women how to sew clothes out of animal skin, in the hope that they would repay they give him the him with lump of gold. Exhausted, Tom stumbled into the path of the chief. He was shielding something with his hand! Tom’s heart leapt with excitement as he hoped with all his heart it was the lump of gold. The chief lifted his hand to reveal the gold. “Ugg Ugg” he proclaimed as he pressed the cold piece of the rare mineral into Tom’s outstretched hands.

“Yes!” Tom shrieked with glee. He then proceeded to try and climb over the wooden wall and sprint into the forest, but he realized that he was stuck to the place! So Tom had to remain in the village forever, tending to the chiefs every need.

Yuke Room 19 Year 6 

Keeping our children safe crossing the road (讓我們的學生安全地過馬路)

感謝那些學生和家長們使用有交通指導員的地方横過Clovelly Road 和Waller Avenue。 可是我們還是見到有些家長們仍然不使用這些有交通指導員的地方過馬路,這樣的行為令我們很失望。我們强烈地要求家長們做一個好榜樣給子女們學習怎樣安全地橫過馬路。

Upcoming Events – Important Dates (重要活動事件)

Y6 Graduation/ Prizegiving (六年級 畢業頒獎禮)

十二月十二日 (星期二) 晚上7pm 在BBPS 學校禮堂舉行。 我們 期待所有六年級學生穿著整齊校服與家長一同出席這場非常重要的典禮 。更多關於畢業典禮的事項容後再公佈。

Y6 Big Day Out (六年級 畢業生校外活動日)

將會在畢業典禮翌日舉行。學生須穿著六年級畢業生襯衫和他們將會全日在校外活動 我們將會到 Skateland和Gravity 彈床公園進行活動。 感謝所有提供協助的家長們, 我們已準備好了一場安全和充滿歡樂的活動日。

School Lunches (預訂學校午餐服務

12月8日 (星期五)是 預訂學校午餐服務的最後一日。明年2月8日(星期四) 再開放預訂學校午餐的服務。

Stationary for 2018 (2018年所需的文具

明年學生所需的文具包 將於 1月15日(星期一) 在Paper Plus (Crandall Peters) Picton Street, Howick 開始出售。請購買你們孩子明年所讀的年級的文具包。 如果家長們希望從其他文具店購買所需文具,文具清單 可於明年1月25日(星期四)在學校的辦公室索取

School Office Holiday Hours (學校辦公室假期工作時間)

學校將於12月14日(星期四) 下午12時正 完結本年度學期, 明年2月1日(星期四)重新開學。 學校辦公室 將於12月14日下午12點30分關閉, 明年1月25日(星期四)重新工作 (開放時間為9am 至12點) 。  如果家長們需要在工作時候以外與學校聯絡, 請留下你們的口訊 或電郵至 office@bbps.school.nz 我們會盡快回覆你。

School Term Dates for 2018 (2018年 每個學期的開學及完結日期)

第一學期: 2月01日 (星期四) 至4月13日 (星期五)

第二學期: 4月30日 (星期一) 至7月6日 (星期五)

第三學期: 7月23日 (星期一) 至9月28日 (星期五)

第四學期: 10月15日(星期一) 至12月18日 (星期二)

Santa Parade 聖誕遊行

老師家長會 (PTA) 聯同 46位學生 一起組成BBPS 的遊行隊伍, 在星期日下午2時30分 參與在Howick 的聖誕遊行活動。

Christmas Present Appeal 聖誕禮物捐助

學生會正收集聖誕節禮物, 所有禮物將會送交Auckland City Mission 再轉送給貧窮兒童。

請將包好的禮物放在辦公室的聖誕樹下。 禮物上請註明性別和歲數以方便轉送到合適的兒童手上。

學生會感謝你們 對這項活動的支持。

Tonga Appeal Thank You 感謝支持對東加學校的捐助

學生會感謝各位對東加學校的捐助,物資 如食物、文具用品、衣服等等… 正運送到有關學校。





Kelly Slater-Brown

校長 謹啟


請參閱英文版校長通訊連結 http://www.bbps.school.nz/principals-newsletter-december-2017/