
歡迎近日加入我們的新學生:Max Zou, Eva Prall, Pabasha Samaraweera Arachchige Dona, Gerhard Van Staden, Sante Van Staden, Nawal Asif & Abeer Asif。

Maori Language Week 毛利語言週


歡迎來到毛利語言週 – 是紐西蘭的三種官方語言中之一。今年的學習焦點是紐西蘭的地方名稱。學校裡的每一班都在用不同的方式去體會毛利語言。如果你想知道正確的發音,你可以點撃此連結 link

我們的 tuakana teina 團隊,和Hannah Saul在上課前就一起排練,每隔一次集會?將會與學校分享一個學校的諺語(毛利諺語)。我們第一個諺語是’He waka eke noa – 我們大家都在這裡’,這是一個很好的學校社區專注,和想想我們應該要怎麼去彼此照顧大家。

Digital Citizenship – 數碼國籍

星期三晚上的家長會?,David Kinane 給予了很多有關訊息如何讓學校和父母培養出一個良好的數碼公民。David Kinane 允許我把整個演講錄影下來,我們將會放到學校網站。一旦在網站上,我會讓大家知道,因為有很多很實際的理念和消費值得我們去參考。

Year 3 and 4 Oral Reading and Speech Finalists – 三年級和四年級的演講與決賽



Rm 14

Daniel Kang and Lucia Gunson

Rm 15

Kymond Chan and Cloris Wang

Rm 17

Olivia Owen and JJ LeGrange

Rm 13

Elaina Thomason and Olly Wilson

Rm 14

Julia Downs and Fynn Tollenaar

Rm 5

Zoe Siso and Maddie Pye



First – Fynn Tollenaar

Second – Zoe Siso

Third – Maddie Pye


First – Lucia Gunson

Second – Kymond Chan

Third – Olivia Owen

PTA News – 家長教師會消息


學生們非常享受做畫或藝術性的,Abacus 公司可以把它們列印在月曆?、日記本?或滑鼠墊上。你很快的將會取得你孩子的密碼,可以上網去看他們的畫,然後決定要不要訂購。這將會是給家人最好的聖誕節禮物,也有充裕的時間寄到國外。

孩子們會帶告示回家,這是慶祝中秋節並且教導孩子如何做餃子。如果你能參與和幫忙,請email PTA



Enviro News (環保消息)

BBPS GREEN DAY: Thursday 28th September Last Thursday of Term. Calling all available green fingers!

(BBPS環保日: 九月二十八日(星期四) – 學校假期前的星期四。召集家長們參與環保活動)


這學期的最後一個星期四,學校環保組規劃了一些小改造活動並請學校員工、學生、學校社區人仕參與一日的學校改造活動。如家長們、公公婆婆們、爺爺奶奶們 或 學校的朋友們 能提供半個或一個小時的時間來參與一些種植、除雜草、搬運樹皮、油漆等等項目,請與學校辦公室的Julian 聯絡 或 電郵至負責老師 Mrs. Riach  kerri@bbps.school.nz

 Robotic News (機器人活動消息)

 九月二日我校派出了三隊隊伍參加ACG Strathllan 學校舉行的比賽。所有參加的同學們都得到獎牌。 Overdrive隊得到 “未來新星獎” 和獎杯,Right Angle隊得到 “啟發獎” 和獎杯。第三隊的De Terminators隊參與競逐三個比賽獎項,每位隊員都表現出色。現在各隊員正努力準備十二月份的比賽。

Sports News (運動消息)

 Cross Country 長跑: 剛過去的星期二在Pakuranga 田徑場舉行了校際長跑比賽。當天下着驟雨而且滿地泥濘,但這並沒有阻礙我們參賽學生們的表現和對比賽的熱誠。當天共有十二間學校約七十二隊隊伍參賽。我們得知繼續蟬聯總冠軍。我校有不少隊員獲得頭三名的名次。

 恭賀Aimee Gao 四年級女子組第二名、Mehtan Gill 四年級男子組第二名、Felix Konrad 四年級男子組第三名、Jessica Wiles 五年級女子組第三名、Finnja Kamp 六年級女子組第二名、Jack Chapman 六年級男子組第二名 和 Oliver Downs 六年級男子組第三名。

 團體成績: 四年級女子組並列第一、四年級男子組第一、五年級女子組第一、五年級男子組第一、六年級女子組第三 和 六年級男子組第一。我校成為小規模小學組的總冠軍。

 Soccer足球: 恭賀我校男子足球隊成功進入半準決賽對Cockle Bay 小學的比賽。雖然我校並未能順利進級到準決賽,但各隊員在這一季的表現都非常出色及感到自豪。

 Gymnastics 體操: 祝賀全體六十位參加東區體操比賽的同學。預祝其中十四位頂尖的隊員代表學校出席在Tristar體育館進行的奧克蘭錦標賽得到好成績。感謝家長們對體操隊的支持和提供交通上的協助。

 Inquiry in Room 10 Simple Machines (課室10的專題討論簡單機械操作)

“簡單機械操作” 為其中一項專題討論。我們學校的管理員Mr. Rist 這星期來到課室10教導學生們螺絲的作用。學生們輪流使用螺絲批和學習什麼是順時轉和逆時轉。學生們現在明白了螺絲帽和螺絲之間的作用。學生們同時認識了其他工具如斜台、楔子、滑輪。

 Waller Ave Crossing (Waller Ave 行人過路安全島)

 Waller Ave 的行人過路安全島已經開始運作。小朋友們手持鮮明的旗幟橫過馬路。我們有一班小六的學生輪流在Waller Ave維持行人過路秩序。我們希望有更多家長可以在早上或下午協助維持行人過路秩序。如您可以提供拹助請與學校辦公室聯絡。

 Student Writing Middle Team (中年級學生寫作)


When the dog saw Billie he jumped up, turned around and jumped into a really dirty lake full of pollution. Billie ran to the lake and helped the dog up out of the polluted water full with lots of plastic bottles, and then the dog Scruffy realised Billie was really nice. The girl found out that the dog could talk.

Ruby Room 5

While Twinkle was on the slide the baddest man went and caught Twinkle. People called him James the Robber. When Ellie and Lucy wanted to get twinkle they didn’t see her anyway. Ellie and Lucy even called the police because they were so worried about her. The police couldn’t find Twinkle anywhere until they heard a loud noise!!!!!

Jeante  Room 5

This was very unlucky because school had already started, she cried for help and no one heard her screaming. So she sat down in the library corner and started weeping. Well she was in a bucket of tears.

Charlotte  Room 5

“Arrr!” yelled Tom, trying to trip the T Rex up.

“Quiet!’ yelled Buck, and the last race is Gop Gop.”

Smash! the dinosaur fell on the ground unconscious, as Tom shot it for the 24th time.

“Yes! I have single handedly vanquished the beast!” yelled Tom.

Luke M Room 5

Bob disguised himself as Smurfette and went to the forest and back. He came back with all the ingredients except for one. At night Bob crept into Smurfette’s little cottage. He plucked a piece of golden silky hair. Bob’s cackles echoed through the village but not one single person woke up.

Thisuri Rm 13

There were old pictures on the wall. Rob was thirty years old and wore a black mask on his head. He had so much money he didn’t know what to do with it all.

Cameron Room 13

Some years later a pure evil smurf was born named Evila. She had hair as black as night and eyes as gray as granny’s hair. Lunar still didn’t know she had superpowers and at the age of fifteen it was time she knew. Lunar’s mum finally spilled the truth.

Ryleigh Room 13

Nick had dark brown hair styled upwards like the peak of a mountain. His eyes were the colour of the sea and he wore a dark blue adidas jacket with green jeans. Nick loved training with nunchucks and katanas in his spare time. He loved karate.

Eric Room 16





Kelly Slater-Brown

校長 謹啟

