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On Thursday all the year fives went to Motat for a school trip.  Our instructor’s name was Abby and she was nice.  She said each class would all do 3 activities in the day.
First we had morning tea and she told us all the rules.  Then we went to our parents and followed them to whatever activity we were going to.

Our first activity looked a bit like a circus.  It smelled like a circus too.  You had to smell all of the clowns and they all smell different. My favourite smell was the coffee and the peppermint.  Then we went to another activity where you had to feel the things but you couldn’t look at them.  There was a brush, a teddy bear, a jandal and a tap.

Next we went through the giant nose. It was basically a room where you had to blow a little toy truck up and down a ramp and see how far it would go. It proved that when you blow you use your nose and your mouth.

Then we had to go to where we put our bags and sit down. Then Room 2 went to the Motat classroom.  Abby got us to sit down and she talked about what we would be doing. On one part of the activity we had to have to have two of the same objects. The two objects were partly the same but also different. One was from the olden days and one was from the present day.

Then we went to see the 3D printer.  It was so amazing.  I got to see how it works and everything. It was just a little room where they had already put in what they wanted it to make and we just got to look at how they made it.  iI was awesome. I really want a 3D printer at my house.

Then all the classes went to the meeting place and we all had lunch. Then my group went to treasure hunt.  We only found 3 things but it was still fun and I really enjoyed it. We had to find things at Motat that were from the olden days but we had a list of what we had to find.

Motat was really fun and I really liked it and I would definitely want to go back to Motat again.