Middle Team Newsletter

Term 3 2016


We would like to extend a warm welcome to all those students and their families who have joined the Middle School through last term or at the beginning of this term.


This term Middle School students will be conducting an inquiry unit called “How We Express Ourselves”. This will be a follow on from the migration inquiry from Term 2 where we will be inquiring into ways in which we discover and express ideas creatively in many forms of art. We will be looking at different artists and exploring art from different cultures. The children will be encouraged to bring artworks or photos or books from different cultures to school to share with their class.

The inquiry will culminate in a showcase of the process the students have taken and the completed art.

We will be learning to recognise the features of different artworks and to use creativity in expressing our ideas.  To support our Unit of Inquiry, Middle School classes will be visiting Te Tuhi art gallery during Week 9.

Rooms 13 and 14 will visit the gallery on Tuesday 20 September. Rooms 15 and 16 will visit the gallery on Thursday 22 September and Rooms 17 and 5 will visit the gallery on Friday 23 September. The day will involve an art session with the educator at the gallery.

We will require parents to help with this trip. Further details of the day’s plan will be sent out at a later date.

If you are able to assist on this trip please complete the ‘Parent Help’ section on the permission and payment notice that is with this newsletter.


This term, not only will the students be creating fabulous works of art, we will also be following the Olympics with great interest. We will be researching the history of the Olympics, following the sporting achievements of our athletes and exploring what makes a great athlete.


Although homework is not compulsory, the school expects students to complete a prescribed amount of home learning on a regular basis.  The school believes that home learning is a responsibility shared by both the home and the school. Completing it will assist the students to develop responsibility for their own learning. Homework encourages the development of good study skills and habits, and will provide opportunities for parents to have a sharing time with their children.

For Year 3 and 4 children, up to 20 minutes a night is considered sufficient.

In the Middle School, Home Learning will be set weekly. Home Learning will usually comprise of daily reading, learning of spelling words and rules, and maths basic facts.

From time to time teachers will set additional tasks to be completed for homework and these tasks will be explained in the Home Learning book.


Lost property is now kept in boxes in the room next to the hall. Please NAME everything that your child owns. This term the children are in winter uniform. Socks are often especially difficult to track down so we ask if you could please do your best to name them in some way.

Students are also reminded that they are expected to wear the correct uniform for sport. They should be wearing blue shorts with their whanau t-shirt or new sports shirt and suitable footwear.

Last term we had a few instances of toys being brought to school and in some cases the toys becoming broken. Please help us by reminding your child that unless it is part of class learning, toys are not to be brought  to school.


Students are asked to be mindful of health and hygiene during the winter months. There are usually tissues in classes which are available for student use. Students are also reminded about washing hands and covering faces to cough and sneeze.

If your child appears unwell in the morning we ask that you keep them home. This speeds their recovery and prevents illness from spreading. Please remember to contact the office before school if your child is absent.


As part of the National Science Week the Middle School held a Science Week in Week 3 of the term. Each teacher presented an activity and the students rotated in classes through each activity. Each of the experiments related to Forces in some way and involved magnets, pulleys and parachutes. The students were very enthusiastic and had a great time. 

The students also had a visit from the Science Van which was very exciting and linked in with our learning.

All of the students throughout the school took part in a Matariki rotation in week 6. The whole school moved from class to class learning many new skills and completing activities that included art, singing, cooperative games and learning about Maori traditions. 



Welcome Home Inquiry

All the students presented their own personal migration story in some way to their class. It was fascinating reading and listening to everyone’s stories and to also see the learning using e-tools that has occurred. To finish off our inquiry into our personal migration stories and the reasons why people migrate, the Middle School classes visited the Maritime Museum. We found out the reasons people migrated to New Zealand many years ago and compared them with reasons why people migrate now. We were very impressed with the behaviour at the museum and the way the students were engaged in their learning all day. We were complimented both by the bus drivers and the museum educator.

Please remember that you can see many pieces of student work on the school’s website under Student Voice.

3-Way Conferences

In Week 10 of this term all students had the chance to share their learning with their families and whanau through a 3-way conference. The students enjoyed sharing their progress and celebrating their learning. If you were unable to make a time and your child has not yet had an opportunity to share their learning with you this term please contact your child’s teacher to make a time that suits.

Arts Rotation

This term each of the Year 3 and 4 teams took part in a rotation of the arts aspect of the curriculum. They learnt about music and art from different cultures and used drama to demonstrate their learning about migration. Here are two short videos that show that things they have been learning.







Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have a question or there is an issue or problem at school or at home.  Our email addresses are the first name of the staff member, followed by the school address, e.g., debbie@bbps.school.nz


Dates for Term 2

4 August – e-Learning evening

8 and 9 August – Dance Festival at Elim College

17 September – Koanga Festival

20 September – Te Tui trip Rooms 13 and 14

22 September – Te Tui trip Rooms 15 and 16

23 September – Te Tui trip Rooms 17 and 5


Paying Online


All payments for trips etc can be made online. Go to “Parent Shop” and pay on “Wrap it Up”.


The cost for each child to attend Te Tuhi Art Gallery is $5.00.


Parent Helpers


I would be interested in being a parent helper on the trip to Te Tuhi Art Gallery.


Child’s Name _____________________________________ Room No. _______


Parent Signature __________________________________


Contact Phone number ____________________________