Relationships – Whanaungatanga, Resilience – Manawaroa, Respect – Manaakitanga, Responsibility – Tiaki

A community of agile and collaborative learners – Proud of who we are, empowered to make a difference

Kia Ora, Nǐ hǎo, Hallo, Greetings,  

Welcome to our new students who have joined school online.  Who would ever have thought that’s how you would start school!  I bet it will certainly be a story they tell their children one day.  I hope you are all managing the juggle at home.  It is amazing how exhausting it is working on a screen and having a stream of online meetings all day as compared to physically going into work.  Research following the last lockdown showed that you have to concentrate much harder when you are looking at people’s faces on a computer during a meeting, whereas in real life we look away and take breaks when we are in conversation.  That and wondering where those extra wrinkles have come from that you can see on your own face online! 

It could be a good time to pull out Mason Durie’s ‘Te whare tapu wha‘ model that the students studied in term one.  The theory is that we all have four pillars of wellbeing that keep our house (body) standing.  If one pillar of wellbeing is neglected, the house starts to fall down.  I know one parent loved this idea, as her children understood that they needed to leave Mum while she was on the running machine, as she was topping up her physical health pillar!   I’m pleased to report that finally got our negative tests back, which had been processed in Otago.  I guess the location plus the sheer volume explains the wait.  After I received the text, I took the long way to the supermarket, savouring some time on my own and topping up the mental wall of my house.  

Just before we went into lockdown, I had the pleasure of attending the HPPA dance festival at Somerville Intermediate.  Both dance groups did us proud, with outstanding performances.  Thank you to Mrs Keel, Ms Madgwick, Nikki and Mel who got our dance groups performance to such a high standard!  It is a shame the second night was another victim of Covid, but at least they got one performance in.  There were also some ex BBP students who were part of very polished performances with the intermediates – wonderful to see them also.


Sadly our Father’s Day breakfast has been cancelled.

Internet Safety Evening

The Internet Safety Evening has been moved online.  (More screens I know, but you relax and watch from your sofa)
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Aug 30, 2021 07:00 PM Auckland, Wellington
Topic: Our Kids Online Cyber Safety Presentation

Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Or One tap mobile :
    New Zealand: +6498846780,,87135301111#  or +6436590603,,87135301111#
Or Telephone:
    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
        New Zealand: +64 9 884 6780  or +64 3 659 0603  or +64 4 886 0026
Webinar ID: 871 3530 1111
    International numbers available:

For those who don’t have zoom, they will be guided on how to download it so we recommend they click it 10 minutes before the start otherwise, it is simply clicking the link to attend.  

“Please join us for our cyber safety presentation hosted by Rob & Zareen Cope, Authors, Educators and Documentary Filmmakers.   The presentation will be mixed with a lot of laughter, love and raw hard hitting facts and stats.
With 4 kids between them aged 11-17, Rob & Zareen know the journey and the struggle!  They will be delving deep into the reality of the online world our kids are growing up in, answering your questions, and providing some easy solutions to help keep all our kids safer online.

We look forward to seeing you!”
Year 6 Parents
This is a reminder to please ensure that your child has been enrolled at an Intermediate school for next year.  The close off date for out of zone enrolments is set as Wednesday 1st September 2022.  All in zone enrolments should be completed by then, in order for the Intermediate schools to determine their numbers.   

 Kia haumaru te noho,

 Kelly Slater-Brown




Secure your financial future and help us fundraise – It’s a win-win! 

We know it’s been a tough period for most families and for our children. For this reason, when we discussed fundraiser initiatives for the year, we wanted to include something that could make a difference in the lives of the families of the Bucklands Beach community. Given the year we’ve had, financial wellbeing stood out for us as we all want to protect our families, our jobs, and our lives. We’re therefore excited to partner with Assetwise, a financial services company providing specialist advice for all your Kiwisaver, mortgage, and insurance needs. Assetwise shares our wellbeing vision and is offering our families a free, no-obligation consultation whether you want to review your existing policy, add to your portfolio or start your financial journey. For every policy confirmed, a contribution of $250 will be made towards the PTA’s fundraising. We encourage you to support this fundraising initiative by completing this form or for more information, contact Isaac Govender on 021 136 5183. Please also spread the news by sharing this offer with your friends and whānau.