
很難相信2017這個學年已經剩下最後五個星期了。老師們正在忙碌評估學生,寫學生的成績單,和分配2018年的班級。在學校?,學生們需要告訴老師三個他們明年想在一起的朋友的名字,在這三個朋友名字單中肯定會有一個跟他們同班。在我們不斷變化的社會裡,其中的技能之一就是能夠與廣泛的人們協同工作的能力。我們需要學生對此作好準備,把學生們混合在一起再作分配,教導他們和不同的學生一起學習。老師對每個小朋友都很了解,並且會用他們的專業判斷來平衡每一個班級。如果你覺得任何有關醫療或教育的需求會影響到你的小朋友的班級分配,請聯繫Carole (carole@bbps.school.nz) 或者Moira (m.rowlands@bbps.school.nz)。我很感謝Carole 和 Moira 前幾個星期的幫忙,因為我的背部受傷沒有辦法回來學校。

歡迎我們的新學生, Charlotte Steele, 她自上一次的簡報時就加入我們了。

學生們已經有年末放假的感覺,我們很努力的在保持高水平的校服一致性和品行行為。我們需要家長們的支持,學生們需要穿著正確的校服來到學校,並與自己孩子討論保持高標準的行為直到學校的最後一天的重要性。在學校裡和集會的隊伍裡,和在教室裡我們都一直提醒著四個重要的學校價值- 尊重 manaakitanga ,責任感- tiaki,關係- whanaungatanga 和彈性- manawaroa, 我們都在努力嵌入。



Middle Team Concert (中年級表演會)

中年級的表演會越來越接近, 我們的同學們都非常享受最後階段的準備工作。


  • 日場的表演將於在11月21日(星期二) 11am至12.30pm 進行
  • 另外有兩場晚間表演在11月22日(星期三)和11月23日(星期四) 晚上進行。參與表演的同學們需要於兩個晚上回到學校準備, 請準時於5.30pm回到課室準備。
  • 參與演出的同學們需要準備自己的戲服, 請家長們把需要的戲服盡早送到課室。
  • 每個家庭可以最多購買每晚兩張的門票。因為我們學校禮堂座位有限只能容納有限的家庭。假如我們有多餘的座位, 家長們可在表演當日在學校辦公室購買餘座門票。
  • 星期二日場的表演是免費的。如家長們想觀賞日場表演, 請盡早到學校禮堂就座。


以下一起來欣賞同學們對中年級表演的寫作, 希望他們的寫作能吸引你來觀賞這次的表演。


Middle School Production of Circus Circus 中年級表演 – 馬戲團 馬戲團

You really, really, really, really, really, need to come to the Middle Team’s production Circus Circus. It is more than just a poor little clown trying to act a dance it will be 10, no 50, no 100, actors dancing, drumming and acrobating for your entertainment.

So please, please, and infinity more pleases, come to this cool, entertaining circus.

Come join the crowd and be amazed by the not so funny clowns and stare at the gymnasts with your mouth open wide. Come to the middle school production. It will be amazing!!!!


Circus Circus 馬戲團 馬戲團

You are invited to the fabulous, stupendous, amazing, middle school production. There will be clowns that will make you laugh so much you’ll fall off your chair, there’ll be amazing acrobats, and high wire gymnasts that will take you into another world. There’ll be Sid Shufflers who will make you want to get up on your feet and boogie. There’ll be wonderful djembe drummers who will amaze you as they keep the beat as you clap your hands. Watch the amazing freevo dancers do the mad umbrella skills. There’ll be animal dancers who aren’t real animals, so don’t be scared to come and watch our production. The times are Wednesday and Thursday the 22nd and the 23rd of November. You’ll be astonished by all the hard work and effort that has been put into this production so please, oh please, come to our production. We promise we won’t let you down.

Maddie Pye

Circus Circus 馬戲團 馬戲團

You are invited to come to Circus Circus. We hope you are coming. There are amazing dancers from Brazil, animals dancers, gymnasts and much more. Some reasons are because there are some funny jokes and other amazing cool things. The Middle School is also singing. I hope they don’t fizz your mind. The Middle School hopes that you can make it because everyone is going, so I hope you can make it too. I really, really, hope you can make it.


 Middle School Production 中年級表演 

You really need to come to watch Circus Circus. It will be so cool! We have so many amazing actors all from the amazing middle school. We all have been working so hard  to show you all a very good time. So please, please can you come the to the Circus Circus. You will be amazed by the middle school’s performance.


 Circus Circus 馬戲團 馬戲團

You really, really, really, 8000 more, have to come to Circus Circus. You really, really should come, you might even laugh your heart out!

Here are some reasons: So you can have the best day of your life, so you can feel like you’re in a circus for the first time if you haven’t been to a circus, last but not least… It will be the day you can laugh as much as you want!!!

You should come, you really should come, you really, really, really, should come. If you don’t you’re missing out!

There will be hilariously lame clowns, fabulous gymnasts, dancers from other countries and more! That is why you should come to our middle school production. By the way it is on the 22 and 23 of November. The best time for the best night.

Chloe H

 Student Council News (學生會消息)

學生會正收集物資,如罐頭食品和文具等物資送給東加人的傷健人士學校。請將您們的捐贈物品放到學校辦公室大堂。BBPS 希望幫助及支持有需要人仕,藉此延續互助社區精神。

 Enviro News (環保消息)


我們的72隻Leafcutter bees (蜜蜂)需要21天和21度的氣溫才能孵化。現時的氣候環境並不太理想,所以沒有太大的進展。

桃子樹現在生長茂盛 – 非常感謝 Kelvin Davies (Hamish 和  Charlie Taylor 的祖父) 的幫助, 定期修剪和打理我們的果園。

 Travel Wise (道路安全)

11月8日 道路安全隊長們, Mrs. Sanileva 和Mrs. Walton 參加了奧克蘭市道路安全慶典。我們在 ‘The Cloud’ 渡過了愉快的一天。我們得到盛情的招待和禮物。

慶典尾聲為頒獎典禮,我校在今次的典禮裏得到金獎殊榮。感謝同學們在道路安全上的努力, 如 遵守道路安全不論在行路上學 或 踩滑板車上學 都有出色的表現。我們將會放更多的有關道路安全慶典的圖片在學校網站上。

Sports News (體育消息)

Basketball: BBPS 籃球綠隊和紅隊 在這一季裏建立了很好的團隊合作精神。籃球技術上得到很好的提升。我們很高興得到Amaan Abdul-Aziz 對兩對隊伍的額外訓練。 同時要感謝所有家長們對隊伍的支持。



Kelly Slater-Brown

校長 謹啟

請參閱英文版校長通訊連結 http://www.bbps.school.nz/mid-november-newsletter-2017/