2 March 2016

Dear Parents/Caregivers

Thank you for your support with our ongoing Enviroschool actions.

Next week (Monday 7 March – Friday 11 March) every child at BBPS will visit an onsite Environmental caravan, at a cost of $2.50 each, to raise their awareness of environmental issues. Payment can be made through the office or online via our website.

We have 6 key exhibits within the Tread Lightly Caravan programme, 3 housed within the caravan and three outside if the weather is fine or in a classroom / hall / suitable space if the weather is too wet or windy.

We have a teacher travelling with the Tread Lightly Caravan and have one based with the E-waste exhibit outside and one inside monitoring the computer exhibits.

In the past we have found that the children generally do get more ‘out of’ each exhibit if there is a keen enthusiastic adult supervising (mainly the powerbike), and also prompting and asking the right questions.

The Junior classes require a minimum of 5 parent helpers and the Middle/Senior classes need 4 parent helpers to manage the stations and to optimise the students learning within the caravan.

Please register your interest with your class teacher as soon as possible.

Kind regards,
BBPS Teachers