Dear Parents and Caregivers

Entries are now open for the annual East Auckland Primary Inter-schools Chess Championship.

The event will be held on Thursday 12 May 2016 (Term 2, Week 2) at Point View School from 9.00am to 2.00pm. Teams will play a six-round swiss competition. Teams will be paired each round against other teams on similar scores.

The cost for each student is $10.00.

For the students to attend this competition we require parents to help with transport and for at least one parent to stay at Point View School to assist with supervision. If you are able to assist with transport, you will be required to visit the office with proof of driver’s licence.

If you are able to help we would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you,


Debbie Rist

Chess Co-ordinator


I give permission for my child  _____________________________ of Room ________ to participate in the East Auckland Primary Inter-schools Chess Championship.


I am able to assist with transport    yes / no

My child has permission to travel in another parent’s car    yes/ no

I am able to supervise for all / part of the day.


signed ______________________________________ Ph number _______________

Enclosed is the $10.00