
 Have you ever smelled summer?
Of cause you have.
Remember that time
When you were tired 
And you were hot?
And you went to the shop
To buy an ice cream
It tasted good
That was summer

Remember that time
When you were trying to bite the icecream?
It was melting
So quickly you
Couldn’t lick the ice cream

It dripped down your fingers
That was summer

Remember that time
When we played golf
And it was raining
And we watched the rain falling
And we still keep playing
And you shot the golf ball high

And we weren’t able to find it

Although we looked and looked
That was Summer

Remember how the ferry ride was good?
We were off to Waiheke for the day

It was a really big island

We spent our day shopping
That was summer

Remember that time
You went and took a shower and it was cold water?

You only stayed there a little while

That was Summer

Remember that time
When you watched TV all day?

There were lots of cartoons

They were fun to watch

That was Summer

Remember that time
You came home for dinner to eat fish?

You ate the eye

It was your favourite part

That was Summer

Remember that time
You had to bake a cake?

It was a sponge cake

You added food colouring

It was a green sponge

That was Summer

Remember that time
It took you a long time to score a goal?

You were playing soccer

You managed it just before the final whistle

You were very proud

Do you remember feeling the sunshine

As you played on the field?
That was summer