Dear Parents


Dorothy BigwoodWelcome back to Term 2. A special welcome is extended to new children and their families who are joining us for the first time:  Harry, Ruby & Charlie Cuthbert, Oscar Calvert, Daniel Kang, Dylan & Ciara Scott, Vinuka Badana Mudiyanselage, Maria Schulz, Abigail & Grace Tan and Jemma Bravetti.  The roll is 433.

Please read our newsletters!
For good communication it is important that we are able to share what is happening at school and keep you up to date about ongoing events. Please open links to newsletters sent you by email. Newsletters are also put on the website for easy access. Simply open the link sent you or go to ‘News’ on to find them. A school newsletter is published on or close to the first of the month each team has a newsletter for the start of the term. Additional newsletters are written as needed for specific events.  If you do not have access to a computer, come to the school office for help or we could print you a copy by arrangement. A new section on the website called Parents’ Guide gives instructions on how best to print your own copy if you wish.
 Have you looked at our new website yet? In Term 1 teachers learned how to use the website for sharing student work. Ask your child if they have put any work on the website yet….watch this space for more to come in term 2. A Parents’ Guide has been added to the website today, to help you get the most out of it. Please take the time to read through it. Thank you!
Nominations for BOT Elections 

We seek nominations for new Trustees who show the following qualities:   commitment to BBPS, able to communicate well, works very well with others, a team player, has common sense and is able to make good judgements, able to put in some work between meetings, willing to represent everyone in the community (no personal agendas), can see the big picture, a commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi. In addition, prospective Trustees may bring specific skills e.g. in law, finance, property, HR, marketing. If you might be interested in becoming a Trustee, please inform the returning officer, Julie at the office. Nomination forms will be sent out to every family by Friday 6th May.

Grounds Maintenance

Over the holidays the caretaker has worked hard on grounds maintenance. He has put a new drain in by the staffroom and the big container has been emptied and taken away. The bottom field has been aerated, with the grass fertilized and sprayed. This should help with drainage in the long term. The Room 2 carpet has been stretched where it had become folded. Room 13 has a new flat screen installed.

PTA News

The annual general meeting is next week, Tuesday 10 May, 7.30pm. The current PTA Exec is standing down.  A big thank you goes to Rachel Penney, Philippa Boyes, Liz Downs and Amanda McNabb. Together you have achieved significant goals for BBPS and we all sincerely thank you for turning a vision into reality and all your leadership and hard work. Anyone from the parent community can stand for election to the P.T.A. Executive. We have new members already interested in stepping into the roles and will vote at the meeting if needed.

Bullying-Free NZ Week 16-20 May 2016

The theme of the week is ‘Together we can prevent bullying in Aotearoa’. We all want schools and communities to proved safe, positive learning environments for children and young people. A new national website will be launched at for schools and the community to use as a resource. BBPS always investigates reported instances of bullying as this is taken very seriously. At BBPS we believe in restorative relationships management and teach children that bystanders have a role too. We teach children self-help skills (e.g. ask your child what WITS means?)and encourage resilience but want them to “tell” a trusted adult whenever they need extra support. Each year the Year 5 and 6 students are surveyed and the school responds to information provided.

University Teachers-in-training

Welcome to Ms Aimee Toms and Ms Jazmin Anderson who are in Rooms 13 & 16 for 5 weeks.

School Uniforms

Children should now be in correct winter uniform, although on hot days summer uniform is fine. Please, if you are purchasing shoes, check that they are black school shoes! Summer sandals are worn without socks, but winter black shoes must be worn with navy socks, worn to just below the knee. You will have heard in the media of the prevalence of lice, so long hair should be tied back in school colours of blue or red. Singlets and tee shirts worn under school uniforms should be hidden at the neck. Jewellery is limited to watches and plain ear studs. Your assistance in keeping our uniform standards high is much appreciated.

Sports Uniform:   The new uniform looks fabulous and it is great to see more and more children wearing it with pride. Thanks parents, for supporting this change, which will enable us to channel P.T.A. funds and labour into specialist sports uniforms such as leotards, rugby jerseys, etc in the future. We hope that all senior children representing the school will wear the new uniform this winter, so that as a school we look smart and ‘feel good’ in our sports teams. Ultimately, the sports uniform consisting of a sports top, shorts and hat choice will be worn by Years 3-6 but a phase in period for internal sports is no problem. Older children who are wearing the sports uniform just for one year are expected to get good resale prices at the second hand shop, as the new sports uniforms are well made (N.Z.) and of quality fabric.

Found Property:   Found property is stored in the room at the end of the hall, which was our temporary library and which is now a sports storage area. Named items are returned to owners and all items will be out for checking from 8.30am.

Park safely and keep our kids safe

This year our school is participating in Auckland Transport’s ‘Safety at the School Gate’ programme. Drivers who stop in the wrong place to drop off passengers put the safety of children at risk. Parking officers will be on patrol outside the school this year and will be issuing tickets to drivers who park illegally.

The agreed approach is ‘zero tolerance’ – There will be no warnings issued, you will receive a ticket if you are double parked, parked on yellow lines, or over someone’s driveway – or for any other vehicle safety offence.

Please park legally to keep our children safe and to avoid being ticketed.

Travel Wise News

Congratulations to our Year Five Travel Wise leaders for 2016.

Room 2: Victoria Parsons and Alex McKenzie

Room 3: Zack Rooke and James Pascoe

Room 4:   Finnja Kamp and Iolana Taia

In Term one, we ran a Travel Wise slogan competition.

The finalists were:

Year 3/Room 17: William: If you cross at the light, you will be in sight.

Blake: Always check for the green man.

Year 4/Room 5: Carter: Walking a far is better than taking a car.

Carmi: Stay alert, don’t get hurt.

Year 6/Room 1: Lucy: Chance takers are accident makers.

Miandi: Alert today, alive tomorrow.

Congratulations to our finalists – great Travel Wise messages – you will all receive a travel Wise treat in Term 2.

The slogans have been sent to our Community Travel Wise co-ordinator and they will choose the winner.  The winner will get their slogan especially printed onto a pen! 

Year 6 Camp

Year 6 students and teachers are very excited to be going to Lakewood Lodge Camp Tuesday to Friday this week. The weather forecast looks reasonable and a pre-visit was undertaken during the holidays to ensure that everything was ready. Unfortunately Carole Crompton has broken a bone in her foot and can no longer attend, but Lynn Corderoy will co-lead the expedition with Jillian Redpath, ably supported by the other Year 6 teachers. Parents of Year 6 students MUST advise a teacher of any health issues which have arisen over the holidays, in writing, prior to departure. While the children are away please contact the school during working hours (or me out of hours on 0212433687) if you need to make contact with your child in an emergency. 

Sports News

Winter sports programmes will get underway this term with  older children volunteering to trial late last term for inter school teams which compete in soccer, rugby and netball. As well there are one day “taster” field days for netball, hockey, rugby and soccer which are less competitive. We have one Basketball team entered into the local Basketball league which runs on a Thursday night.  Thanks to our parents for supporting your children out of school hours and to Mrs Ciechowicz for managing our basketball team.

Mufti Day – Friday 6 May 

Every year we choose one charity to support.  This year we have chosen the Westpac Chopper Appeal.  On Friday 6 May we will  be holding a mufti day – children are asked to support this charity with a gold coin in exchange for wearing mufti.  Thank you.

Tip Top Sports Day

On Sunday 3 April 8 teams of students from Bucklands Beach Primary took part in the Tip Top Fun Day held at Edgewater College.  

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Students participated in a range of 8 sporting relays requiring team cooperation.  A medal and an iceblock was awarded to all participants at the end of the day.  A great day was enjoyed by all.  A huge thank you to all the parents who helped.  Without you the day would not have been possible.

Children’s Work

Year Two students from Rooms 7, 8, and 9 are demonstrating a love of art and writing. 

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Kind regards

Dorothy Bigwood


Community Notices

Fun Mumz Bootcamp – Monday – Wednesday – Friday 9-10.00 a.m. at Eastern Beach Park or indoor venue on wet days.  Pre-schoolers welcome to come along with mum.  Get fit and meet other mums from school.  First session is FREE then $10.00 per class.  Contact Jo 0272 800 158