Term 2 2016
Whittakers Chocolates
The oldest child from your family will be bringing home today from school a box of Whittakers chocolates to sell.
This fundraiser is one of the PTA’s most profitable fundraisers each year and we would greatly appreciate all our school families supporting this by trying to sell their box of chocolate bars.
Each school family has been allocated one carry box of 30 chunk bars to sell for $2 each. Each box contains an assortment of five popular varieties of bars (6 bars of each variety).
We are not asking students to walk the streets selling them, but would ask that you perhaps approach neighbours, family, friends and work colleagues.
If you can easily sell more than the one box please contact the school office or drop us a line on `bbpspta@gmail.co.nz and we can easily organise another box to be delivered to your child or for you to collect from the office.
The family that sells the most boxes of chocolate wins an amazing Zero Gravity Team Nitro Scooter!
We understand how busy family life gets so we are offering an option for you to support the school in this fundraising activity without the effort of selling the chocolate – simply return your full box and make a donation of $25 instead.
We would appreciate you returning your money to the school office in the envelope enclosed or directly online to our bank account: 12-3040-0532339-00 Ref: Childs name and Room Number
Due : Tuesday 7th June
We thank all families for supporting our
school community!
Your PTA
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