On Thursday 26th of May, all the Year fives went to a special trip to Motat.  On the bus, I played ‘I spy with my little eye’ which is a game where you see an object and you have to name the first letter of that word.  Maria, Jan, Raymond and I were included in that game. We left at 9:00 and the trip was about 30~35 minutes.  

When I got there, I almost fell off the bus.  The trip hadn’t even started and I was already tired! We lined up by the gate, walked in and went under a white tent and our educator Abby explained why we were there. The first place we had to know where it was, was the meeting place.  Abbey told us where the toilet was and all the other places which we would need for the whole entire day.

Next, we went to learn about our body.   My group, which was Maria, Raymond, Connor, Shaan, and Alex F. went through a fake nose with a lot of black strips in it. I learnt that we breathe in 6 litres of air  a minute while we were sleeping.  Raymond and Maria went to a body board game while I took notes. Later on, we had morning tea for about 5 minutes and went to another room where you have a globe where there is lightning in there and when you put your hands on it, your hand shape on the globe will be purple and when you let go and touch other people, you will become electric. In that room, I also found out that Jupiter has tons of gravity.  

We also went to a classroom where we met Abby again.   She was teaching us about olden tools and new tools. We were playing with the tools and writing with feathers.  There was this thing called tube mate and it is used when your toothpaste is almost empty, you slide it up and your toothpaste comes out from the top.   It was a New Zealand inventor who made this thing because he had an annoying sister who always squashed the toothpaste from the top but he likes to squeeze nicely from the bottom so he invented the tube mate.

We had lunch later on and went for the next activity which was finding the buildings.   The first building was next to “Welcome to the Machines”  exhibition and the building was called the pump house. We were trying to find out  about the olden days machine.   The building was about 149 years old with lots of machines and bicycles. We also went to an old school which was  full with cool furniture like wooden desks and bookshelves, but it is really small.

We finally went on the bus at 1:50 pm  and when I got back, I was exhausted. “I will need to relax when I get home,” I thought to myself.