Relationships – Whanaungatanga, Resilience – Manawaroa, Respect – Manaakitanga, Responsibility – Tiaki

A community of agile and collaborative learners – Proud of who we are, empowered to make a difference

Kia Ora, Nǐ hǎo, Hallo, Greetings,  

Welcome to all our new students and their families who have recently joined us: Harry De Jonge-Raddatz, Benjamin Chen, Cooper YangLin, Wisely Low, Alicia Li, Sasha Roberts, Kina Naufahu, Lily Thackwray.

歡迎所有最近加入我們的新生和他們的家人: Harry De Jonge-Raddatz, Benjamin Chen, Cooper YangLin, Wisely Low, Alicia Li, Sasha Roberts, Kina Naufahu, Lily Thackwray.

For this term, we are ‘thinking like a scientist,’ as we explore planet earth and beyond, and associated phenomena.  The uptake to the Stardome evening family trip has been phenomenal and should spark some excellent family conversations.  If you want some inspiration for your scientist back at home, check out Nanogirl.  


Research tells us that while most students love science at primary school, a higher proportion of girls will lose interest in science and maths by the time they hit secondary school.  We know all children are born with innate curiosity and our job as educators is to keep growing that curiosity, as opposed to squashing it (which I’m sure some of us have experienced first hand).   Our project-based learning approach to delivering the curriculum attempts to do just that, by exposing students to new learning and then giving them opportunities to explore facets that they are interested in.   We aim to balance teaching necessary skills with investigating new learning driven by student curiosity.  We are using contextual and related problem solving to exploring maths concepts and some group problem solving, which benefits all of our students and is also often the preferred way for our less confident girls to work.   Staff are undertaking research-driven professional development to deliver maths lessons in a way that is engaging and enjoyable for all students and promote understanding.   Many of these same techniques and approaches to teaching are useful across the curriculum.


From our student survey, we can already see that boys bring much more confidence to solving maths problems and are much more likely to stick at maths when they find it challenging.   Our results from last year showed that overall we achieve very highly in maths (91% of our students were at or above the expected curriculum level at the end of 2020), but that boys outperform girls in the number of students who are working above curriculum expectation (39% of boys vs 27% of girls).  One of our strategic goals this year is to address the equity gap for students working above curriculum level in maths.  We are working hard to give girls the same confidence through our approach to maths and to move away from stereotype thinking around gender and subject achievement.  We are going to be introducing some speakers at assemblies who use maths and science in their jobs and can share positive messages.  If you would like to be a role model, and come and share your story with our students, please email me – we would love to hear from you.  


With our rapidly changing workforce and technology development, we know that maths (and science) are now just as important as reading and writing for future careers.  How you talk about maths in front of your children is really important.  We would never say, “Oh, I was terrible at reading when I was at school,” or “I don’t have a reading brain,” yet these comments are sometimes made about maths. The truth is more likely to be the way maths was taught didn’t work for some people.  It gives the impression that we have a fixed ability in maths that we were born with, which simply isn’t true.   We know so much more about the brain now and that we are all capable of learning anything, with self-belief is one of the big drivers for success.  Jo Boaler, my personal maths teaching hero, has a website full of fascinating research about how we learn maths.  If you’d like to learn a bit more about the brain and maths, here’s a clip from Jo Boaler.      

隨著我們勞動力和技術發展的快速變化,我們知道數學(和科學)對於未來的職業與閱讀和寫作同樣重要。在孩子面前如何談論數學真的很重要。我們永遠不會說:“哦,我上學時在閱讀方面很糟糕”或“我沒有閱讀能力”,但是這些評論有時是關於數學的。事實更有可能是數學教學對某些人不起作用的方式。它給人的印像是我們具有與生俱來的數學能力,這是不正確的。我們現在對大腦了解得更多,並且我們都有能力學習任何東西,而自信心是成功的主要動力之一。我的個人數學教學英雄Jo Boaler擁有一個有關我們如何學習數學的有趣研究的網站。如果您想了解有關大腦和數學的更多信息,請閱讀Jo Boaler的剪輯。

Introducing Dan Frost

Welcome to Mr Dan Frost, who has opened the next new entrant class in room 9.  Dan has relocated to New Zealand with his Kiwi wife and family and is enjoying our beautiful setting.  He brings a wealth of experience from his teaching in the UK and is already making great contributions to the team.

歡迎Dan Frost先生,他將是課室九號新生班的老師。Dan與他的妻子和家人一起移居新西蘭,並享受著我們美麗的環境。他在英國的教學中積累了豐富的經驗,並且已經為團隊做出了巨大的貢獻。

Year 6 Camp

We wish our year sixes good luck and good weather at camp next week.  Let’s hope we can break our record of having camp and lockdown at the same time!  Thank you to all of the parents and teachers who make camp happen.  It is one experience we all happily remember from Primary School.


Peer Mediators

A group of Year 6 students recently completed a peer mediator refresher course with Mrs Rowlands. These students are now out in the playground in fluoro vests at lunchtime available for children to go to with minor playground problems for example with friends or games. The peer mediators work through a structured process where they listen to everyone involved and help all parties find a solution they agree on. It is very encouraging to see our Year 6 students leading this process in the playground. 

一群6年級的學生最近與Mrs Rowlands完成了同伴調解人進修課程。這些學生現在在午餐時間穿著背心在操場上,孩子們如在操場上遇到一些小問題,例如與朋友或遊戲。同伴調解員通過一個結構化的流程來工作,在此過程中,他們會聽取有關人員的意見,並幫助各方找到他們同意的解決方案。看到我們的六年級學生在操場上領導這一過程非常令人鼓舞。

Keeping Our Kids Safe

Thank you everyone for adapting so quickly to entering and exiting the school in a much safer way on Clovelly Road.  Our bollards and gates are being made and hopefully, these will be installed in the next few weeks and our runway of cones will no longer be necessary.  We have also noticed people using the pedestrian crossing to get across the road safely and exiting out of the car on the passenger side by the footpath, which is great. 

There is still a handful of cars that are stopping on yellow lines and parking over driveways, which is unsafe and upsets our neighbours.   Please work with us and make sure you are parking in the right place.  Our community constable follows up with repeat offenders.   

謝謝大家在克洛夫利道(Clovelly Road)上以如此安全的方式迅速適應了學校的出入。我們的繫纜柱和大門已經製成,希望在未來幾週內可以安裝,並且不再需要圓錐形跑道。我們還注意到人們使用人行橫道安全地過馬路,並在行人路旁的乘客側從汽車中出來,這很棒。


 Supporting Kids Mental Health

During the next few weeks BBPS will be taking part in three very important events that raise awareness of bullying and mental health:


  • Bullying-Free NZ Week (BFNZ Week) will take place from Monday 17 May to Friday 21 May 2021.  With the theme ‘He kōtuinga mahi iti, he hua pai-ā rau: Small ripples create big waves’, this year’s BFNZ Week is all about encouraging people to spread the word, take the lead, and make a change.  Students will be taking part in a variety of Bully Free NZ and kindness activities throughout the week.

紐西蘭無欺凌週(BFNZ Week)將於2021年5月17日星期一至5月21日星期五舉行。本年度的BFNZ主題為“他的生日,小波紋會產生巨大的波浪”。所有有關鼓勵人們宣傳,帶頭並做出改變的事情。在整個星期中,學生將參加各種各樣的Bully Free NZ和友善活動。

  • Pink Shirt Day – Celebrated annually around the globe, Pink Shirt Day began in Canada in 2007 when two students took a stand against homophobic bullying, after a peer was bullied for wearing a pink shirt. In Aotearoa, Pink Shirt Day works to create schools, workplaces, communities and whānau where everyone feels safe, valued and respected. 

粉紅襯衫日(Pink Shirt Day)-全球每年慶祝一次,粉紅襯衫日(Pink Shirt Day)於2007年在加拿大開始,當時有兩名學生因穿著粉紅色襯衫而被欺負,導致兩名學生反對同性戀恐懼凌辱。在紐西蘭(Aotearoa),“粉紅色襯衫節”致力於創建學校,工作場所,社區和瓦努阿人,讓每個人都感到安全,受到重視和受到尊重

  • Gumboot Friday – A fun way for kiwis to join in the mental health conversation while raising money to provide FREE and timely counselling for any young person in need.

Gumboot Friday-奇異鳥參加精神健康對話的一種有趣方式,同時籌集資金為有需要的年輕人提供免費及時的諮詢服務。

At BBPS, we are combining Pink Shirt Day with Gumboot Friday.  We will be celebrating both on Friday 28 May.  In return for a gold coin donation, children are invited to come to school wearing gumboots or other unusual footwear, and pink (or other brightly coloured) clothes.  This will be a non-uniform day.  There will be pink cookies available to purchase at morning teatime for $1 each.

 Students and families will also be offered the opportunity to make a $5 donation in return for a pair of I AM HOPE socks.  These are the same ‘gumboot style’ socks that were offered in 2020 in aid of the Gumboot Friday appeal.  Whanau can pre-order on Kindo or bring cash to school on the day.

Proceeds from gold coin and $5 sock donations, and cookie purchases, will go towards providing free counselling sessions by registered mental health practitioners for our young community in need.

在BBPS,我們將粉紅色襯衫日與Gumboot星期五相結合。我們將在5月28日(星期五)慶祝這兩個節日。作為捐贈金幣的回報,邀請孩子們穿上靴或其他不尋常的鞋類,以及粉紅色(或其他色澤鮮豔)的衣服上學。這將是無校服的一天。早晨下午茶時間可以購買粉色餅乾,每隻$ 1。

 學生和家庭也將有機會捐贈5元,以換取一雙I AM HOPE襪子。這些是與2020年為協助Gumboot星期五呼籲而提供的“ Gumboot風格”襪子。 Whanau可以在Kindo上預訂或當天帶現金上學。


 Term Dates (學期曰)

Term 2 – Monday 3 May – Thursday 8 July (Teacher Only Day Friday 9 July)

第二學期 – Monday 3 May – Thursday 8 July (教師曰 Friday 9 July)

Term 3 – Monday 26 July – Thursday 30 September (Teacher Only Day Friday 1 October)

第三學期 – Monday 26 July – Thursday 30 September

(教師曰 Friday 1 October)

Term 4 – Monday 18 October – Wednesday 15 December (Teacher Only Day Thursday 16 December)

第四學期 – Monday 18 October – Wednesday 15 December (教師曰 Thursday 16 December)

Have a lovely weekend.

Kelly Slater-Brown




Secure your financial future and help us fundraise – It’s a win-win! 

We know it’s been a tough period for most families and for our children. For this reason, when we discussed fundraiser initiatives for the year, we wanted to include something that could make a difference in the lives of the families of the Bucklands Beach community. Given the year we’ve had, financial wellbeing stood out for us as we all want to protect our families, our jobs, and our lives. We’re therefore excited to partner with Assetwise, a financial services company providing specialist advice for all your Kiwisaver, mortgage, and insurance needs. Assetwise shares our wellbeing vision and is offering our families a free, no-obligation consultation whether you want to review your existing policy, add to your portfolio or start your financial journey. For every policy confirmed, a contribution of $250 will be made towards the PTA’s fundraising. We encourage you to support this fundraising initiative by completing this form or for more information, contact Isaac Govender on 021 136 5183. Please also spread the news by sharing this offer with your friends and whānau.